
Three public access defibrillators (PADS) are located in the village at :
Cronton Parish Council Office Hampton Drive
Cronton Community Centre Cronton Road
Cronton Motor Services Chapel Lane
The PADS are designed to be used in the event of an individual suffering sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).
Should you come across someone suffering a SCA it is vitally important that CPR is commenced immediately and is continued until a PAD is available for use.
The PADS are fully automatic and provide voice guided instructions on their use.
Action to be taken in the event of someone suffering a SCA :
Dial 999 and request an ambulance stating that the casualty has cardiac arrest.
North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) will tell you the location of the nearest PAD.
Commence CPR and send someone to collect the nearest PAD.
NWAS will tell you the access code to open the PAD cabinet.
IMPORTANT Press the cabinet keypad firmly starting with the letter C.
The cabinet contains the PAD, first aid kit and small towel.
Follow the link for more information on dealing with sudden cardiac arrest.
Cardiac arrest - NWAS - North West Ambulance Service