Images tagged "holy-family"
Welcome to the Cronton Parish Council and Cronton Village Website Using this website you are able to access, via the various tabs, information about the Parish Council, its policies, documents, the councillors and their contact details, planning applications and much more. There are links to Knowsley Borough Council services, public transport and many other agencies. You can learn about the history of... Read more
The Parish Council does not have any powers in relation to decisions on planning applications. It is consulted on all applications relating to land and property within the Cronton Village boundary and major developments within Knowsley close to the village border. In addition, the council is consulted by neighbouring local authorities such as Halton and St Helens on any developments... Read more
If you wish to contact the Parish Council you can drop in a note at the Parish Council office 7, Hampton Drive Cronton WA8 5BZ The Clerk to the Parish Council is Sara Boyd We aim to respond as soon as possible but not later than 2 weeks (10 working days). Read more